About This Blog

I thought I might share a little about why I started this blog.  My page about the Story of Ellie Joy Jewelry talks about some of my earlier spiritual experiences and the relationship and important role my children have played in my spiritual journey.  The stories leading up to the creation of this blog are similar.

I was baptized and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church, but religion fell out of favor with me along the way.  Through college and early adulthood, I avoided religion.  I considered myself agnostic mainly because I did not want to get off the fence.  I was afraid to go so far as to say there was no God, but I was equally afraid to say that there was!

Early in my first pregnancy, I had a life changing dream of an angel.  I was keeping a regular journal that I emailed to close family members at the time and here is what I wrote during my 12th week of pregnancy:
I know the baby is just fine and will be healthy and beautiful.  In case you doubt my prediction, I had a dream about an angel around the time I conceived which is totally out of character for me, and no, I did not know I was pregnant yet.  [Husband] says maybe the baby is destined to be a great man!  or woman!  So if you want to send me an opinion, what do you think that means?!?
From that point forward, my spiritual journey continued moving ahead sometimes rapidly, sometimes seeming to stagnate.  I continued, however, to feel an obligation to investigate my spirituality and decide what I would teach my children about God.

After my second child was baptized, I finally realized that it did matter whether or not I took my children to church or whether I taught them about God at home.  It occurred to me while listening to the sermon that day, that I could not be everything to my children.  I can't be everything, can't teach them everything, can't be there all the time, and will not be here forever.

The thought that I cannot be everything for them and cannot always be there was heart piercing.  Truly and unfortunately, we can't share absolutely everything with our children or take all the hurts they'll experience in life away.  How I wish I could!

On the other hand, God can.  He can be all that is required, he is everything, and will always be there.  He can share everything with our children; can know every hurt and every joy with them.  He'll be there when I can't.  He'll be there when I am gone.  I want my children to know that and to feel the truth of it in their hearts.

Eventually, I came to realize that my spiritual gift is empathy, and not long after, this blog was born.  I suppose I was feeling lost and lonely.  As much as I hoped this blog would be a source of support for others, I hoped it would be a comfort to me to find others with similar gifts to share.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my story and visit my blog!


  1. You're not alone. My email is: panterarosa.1979@gmail.com
    I am trying to find christian-based information on my gift as well. I am at the beginning of my understanding and journey.

  2. It is so hard to find information on our gift from a christian standpoint. Even when I try to talk to my mom, she either doesn't believe me or is freaked out.

    1. Explaining to your mom that Jesus also was an Empath is helpful in her understanding that you are a Natural Born Empath. I myself a Natural Born Empath find it very difficult for most Christians to absorb. I myself am not closed off to Natural healing and practising cord cutting and using stones like Blue Kyanite to repel Negative Energy. You have to try what works for you and understand your abilities and what type of Empath you are.

  3. Hi, I had written a long response, sharing my experiences, I am really grateful to find more people like me. I have read the Gift of mercy but it still didn't have details of empathy. My email is catherine.rosie@gmail.com

    I can sense and feel emotions of pain/sickness/accumulated stress/anger/sadness/exhaustion etc of friends and families that am quite connected with. I also have dreams/visions of these situations as well.

    I can also massage and feel pain when I do, so I have tried not to tell everyone that I can bring relief through massage. I am learning now how not take the pain with me.

    I also sense/feel when a friend/s/family member/s, is about to die.

    I have found a church and christian friends who are guiding me.

    The prayer of protection - blood of Jesus, armor of God and protection of the angels has really helped me.

    I have reflected and have found, that have had this gift for a long time, its just over the past three months, that am beginning to understand this gift better.

    I have had my sleeping pattern disturbed and sometimes my emotions are so sad, or so angry or exhausted. I have learnt to trust God and the Holy Spirit for guidance.

    I have met more people with similar gifts and only share to certain people, as am aware that sometimes people may get disturbed.

    However, am learning to pray about everything and all these emotions that I sense.
