Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sharing empathic experiences

The gift of empathy is often dismissed, misunderstood, or worse - viewed as solely in the realm of the occult.  People that have empathic abilities often find it difficult to find support in their communities.  Online sources on the subject vary vastly in their helpfulness.  With these issues in mind, I'd like to share some of my empathic experiences and invite my readers to do the same or even to just ask questions if you have them.
  • I am often uncomfortable in social situations.  Sometimes it is because someone emotionally intense is present.  A common scenario might be this:  I arrive and socialize for a time, but find I feel uncomfortable around a particular person.  They seem fine, but I am sensing something other than "fine."  Later, they reveal that things have not been going well for them lately.  

  • Just as often, I am uncomfortable in social situations and do not know why.  I experience self-doubt and wonder why at my age I still feel awkward in groups.  Nothing at the gathering is ever revealed that would explain my feelings.

  • When assisting a yoga class, I become extremely concerned about and focused on one students lower back.  This is concern above and beyond what would be expected.  I sense the student is not interested in my assistance, but I am unable to resist returning to her due to my concern.  I later learn she's had multiple abdominal surgeries and is often out of class due to lower back pain.

  • Upon meeting someone for the first time, my immediate impression is that they have pain throughout their entire body.  I later learn of several medical conditions that in fact cause this.

  • My perception on the state of an acquaintance's health is that they have a significant mental health disorder and a significant physical health problem that either is not shared or is not known.  The presence of such would seem unusual based on the person's age and general appearance of good health.  The person later passes away due to a combination of both mental and physical factors.

  • I am self-conscious around other people whom I expect to be sensitive like I am, healers for example.  I feel that they can see or feel all my inner turmoil.  I do not want to pass my stress on to them.
Some of the stories I shared here are related to medical concerns, but I want to qualify that I am not a medical intuitive.  I don't "receive" medical diagnoses or even specific medical information about people.  I just sense the nature of their pain.  Based on my own background in healthcare, I sometimes formulate a hypothesis or possible cause for their pain, but I am careful not to assume this unless it is confirmed.

Do you have similar experiences?  What are your stories?


  1. HA! I should have posted my other comment from your "Crying at a Birthday Party?" writings here, I suppose. I find I am particularly in-tune with the actions of others. Have you ever seen the series "Lie to Me"? I found that to be so intriguing because the slightest emotional, instinctive reactions/facial movement are so universal. My belief is that the empath is not only able to pick up on these actions, but also to feel the emotions behind them. I may end up in bed for a day or so when one of my friends is particularly woeful. But it goes the other way, too--I am abundantly joyful with people who experience great hope and wondrous life events. The challenge is, for me, what does God want me to do with this Gift? Am I truly called to be clergy, as my pastor believes??

  2. Wow, we are really on a parallel track! When talk to people as you say, I pick up on their subtle expressions, word choices, what they didn't say. I'll often leave and explain to my husband, "well, what she really meant was....," or "there's something else going on...," or "he wasn't telling the whole story."

    I am working with my pastor now to begin a lay ministry at our church. I have volunteered to help him on visits to our home-bound and hospitalized members. He feels my gift will be valuable in this context, and I hope it is.
